Saturday, January 2, 2016

Lady Pick: 2017 New Calendar Year

Happy 2017 New Calendar Year!   

A new year for a new start and a new way. The two most important things to focus on this year is spiritual and physical health.  The first step is to prepare the space around you by clearing out your clutter everywhere, including closets and file cabinets. Have a fresh new start with a new clean house.  It is simple with the three pile plan of what to keep, donate and throw away.  When you are doing this, think about all those who you can Bless. 

When people think of the New Year, they usually think of something physical. Spiritual needs should be priority. Take the time to sit and reflect on your successes and failures. What was your fault(s)?  Take responsibility and repent.  Ask for forgiveness and forgive others. Learn how you can do better and start with a new slate. When you do this you can renew. In the renewal you can go to God to do better in all aspects of your life.  A good way to sort things out is by writing them out.  A praise, prayer & worship (PPW)  journal helps you recognize gratitude, which also gives you time with God and to take Bible study notes.

Make this the year of no wasted time. Think about who you want to spend time with and what you want to spend your time doing. The most important is your relationship with God. To build your relationship start in the beginning in Genesis where it all started.  Read 10 verses a day.  Pray before you read for understanding. We at Children of Light Ministry Church can help you with any questions or support you may need. Contact us anytime by email: 

May God YHVH Bless your coming days!