Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Health Pick : A Natural Chap Stick and Cold Sore Prevention

Super Lysine  is a great chap stick. I have used the strawberry product for over a year now. The strawberry and Tangerine flavors use only natural flavors. I tried this product because I was looking for a natural chap stick. It is crucial what you put on your lips because you directly digest it when your eating. I have been a fan of the Super Lysine cream that you apply to skin breaks and it works great as well. 

I myself don't get cold sores but I have heard and found in research that Lysine works well with the cold sore virus. It has a SPF 21 and can easily be worn under lip stick. This is made with healing herbs and vitamins. Super Lysine is also petroleum-free. I purchased mine at a small health food store for about $3.00. The going rate online is around $6.00. This has provided fast healing relief for me as soon as I put it on.