Monday, January 7, 2019

In 2019 Use Your Bible For Your A-Z Resource Guide

Your Bible For Your A-Z Resource Guide

2019 is here! With each new calendar year comes new goals, new experiences and sometimes new challenges. With these new challenges we sometimes forget that we have our Bible as our reference guide to help us along the way. 

Attitude is everything, try your best to keep a positive attitude in any situation, it plays a major role on your health. Take this year to be bold to explore your faith and share your good news from the Bible. Have the courage to share your testimony. 

Use more discernment, taking more time to think through decisions. Approach each day with more enthusiasm. Challenge yourself to be more friendly and make more friends this year.  Find ways to give, if you don't have much to give; a couple of hours of your time could go a long way in someones life.  Take the time to learn more about the Holy Spirit. Don't hold back with what is right and take Initiative for your future. Experience joyfulness by taking time to be still and enjoy the moment. Increase your knowledge with reading daily. Practice listening while using active listening skills. Develop your maturity by increasing your objective thinking skills. 

Make this the year to reach out to your neighbors. Have a overflow of joy, peace and hope daily while reading scripture. Keep your perseverance with your goals this year.  Find a place where you can have quiet while taking a deep breath and feel your surroundings. Do repentance daily with prayer. Practice self-control in any situation that is presented. Have thankfulness for life and all that you have surrounding you.  Keep wisdom close, by retaining your understanding. Each day is a celebration of victory, we are free of bondage. Use your knowledge by looking for truth to reach wisdom. Use the Bible as your Xenagogy (guide book) through life. Have youthfulness like Timothy and Esther in spirit, faith and purity. Live your life like Zion.

Attitude ~ Psalm 19:14
Boldness ~ Psalm 27:1
Courage ~ John 1:9
Discernment ~ Philippians 1: 9-10
Enthusiasm ~ Colossians 3:23
Friendliness ~ Proverbs 18:24
Give ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7
Holy Spirit ~ 1 Peter 2:5 
Initiative ~ 1 John 3:18 
Joyfulness ~ Philippians 4:4
Knowledge ~ Proverbs 18:15
Listening ~ Proverbs 12:15
Maturity ~ 1 Corinthians 14:20
Neighbors ~ Mark 12:31
Overflow ~ Romans 15:13
Perseverance ~ Galatians 6:9
Quiet ~ Proverbs 29:11
Repentance ~ Acts 2:38
Self - Control ~ 2 Peter 1:5-7
Thankfulness ~ 1 Chronicles 16:34
Understanding ~ Psalm 119:130
Victory ~ Psalm 18-29 
Wisdom ~ James 3-17
Xenagogy ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Youthfulness ~ 1 Timothy 4:12
Zion ~ Psalm 53:6