Friday, November 18, 2011

Scripture Pick: The Qualities a Man looks for in a Woman

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Proverbs 31:11 ~ “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need to spoil."

An honorable wife is a woman that has a husband that can trust her completely, be a support and a partner. It is not just that a husband can trust his wife, but to know that she will not lead him astray. Men are not like us, where security is our comfort, men need comfort to feel secure. 

He Can Trust…

His wife will defend him.

She will be confident in all her decisions by being responsible.

She will have their best interest in mind as a unit.

She will help provide in the time of need.

She will be emotionally available.

In her loyalty, she will not turn her back on him or bring down his character.

She will take care of him in his time of illness.

She can make a meal out of nothing.

She is dependable by doing what she says she will do and mean what she says.

She will not be prideful and conceited.

She appreciates all that he does.

And most important, she will always Trust in God, first and always. 

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